
Aaron and Connie Zack, owners of Sunlighten, have always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. When Connie’s brother, Jason, overcame nearly a decade of illness using infrared therapy, they were thrilled to watch him return to the energetic, vibrant person he once was. Jason founded Sunlighten (then Sunlight Saunas) in 1999 to spread the word about the therapy that changed his life. Inspired by this transformation, Connie and Aaron left their safe, corporate jobs and "jumped off a cliff," as they say, to join the company. They brought their industry expertise and a passion for technological innovation with them. Connie and Aaron’s shared vision of empowering people to improve their quality of life has fueled Sunlighten ever since.

At Seattle Sun Tan, we offer Sunlighten's 3-in-1 sauna that combines Near, Mid, and Far Infrared technology.