5 New Years Resolution Ideas That Benefit Your Health
With holiday celebrations comes the quick realization that it is time to start setting your goals and aspirations for the coming new year. Healthy New Year’s resolutions are usually at the top of everyone’s list. It is a chance to reset and re-energize by developing achievable new habits that will improve your overall well-being.
Most people focus on weight issues in Seattle, Washington, but there is so much more to living a healthy lifestyle. Here are 5 New Year's resolution ideas that will benefit your health.
Practice Positivity
It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised at how often people complain about the littlest things during a given day. Make an effort to complain less. Negative thoughts, especially constant ones, will increase irritability and stress levels. Try giving compliments to others at least once a day. Gratitude for even the smallest things in life can boost your physical health.
Use Food as Fuel
Instead of tackling the food dilemma by eliminating bad foods, focus on increasing the good foods, you know, the foods that feed your body with what it needs to prosper. It is easy to reduce sugar intake and junky snacks if you merely know that they don’t provide any useful fuel for your body.
Reduce Stressors
Relaxing and remaining calm is easier said than done. Anxiety is a real epidemic in today’s fast-paced world, so it's crucial to develop stress-relieving habits. For some, it could be as simple as saying, “no” when possible. Most individuals take on way more than they can handle. Take time out daily to sit in silence, meditate, practice deep breathing, or join a weekly yoga class.
Improve Sleeping Habits
Believe it or not, getting the recommended six to eight hours of sleep a night will contribute to your weight management. Improved sleeping also promotes better mental health and a stronger physical condition. Quit electronics at least 30 minutes before bed, and avoid caffeinated drinks after six in the evening.
Rejuvenate Your Skin
Whether you consider implementing essential oils into your moisturizing routine or increasing your water intake, it is critical to keep your skin healthy. You can treat yourself to red light therapy, which improves skin tone and texture by stimulating collagen and elastin fiber production. These treatments can also decrease inflammation and speed the healing process.
Make sure to check out our entire list of Seattle Sun Tan offerings so you can revitalize your skin for the new year. You can also purchase your infrared body wrap treatment or red light tanning bed session today, so you are ready to go come January 1st.